Recover and utilize wasted heat energy
TR Series, heat recovery unit, is newly developed for water-cooled oil-free compressors. By recovering thermal energy, TR series contribute to improve entire plant energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions.

What is a "Heat recovery"?
【Without TR unit】Wasting recoverable energy through cooling towers
Electrical energy input to compressors is converted into thermal energy during the air compression process. In conventional compressors, over 90% of thermal energy is wasted typically through cooling towers.

【With TR unit】Up to 92% of heat energy can be recovered * depending on conditions
By installing TR unit, max.92% of wasted heat energy can be recovered, significantly reducing energy cost (electricity, gas etc.) and CO2 emissions.

*Heat recovery system can be added to your current compressor. Minor modification of compressor will be required.
Hot water recovery unit-TR series

Maximizing heat recovery efficiency
By modifying cooling water line, heat can be recovered not only from gas coolers (inter/after-cooler), but also from oil cooler and the compressor.
Minimizing energy loss
No modification for compressor's air line is required. This prevents any pressure drop that causes energy loss.
Safe and quiet package
Coolers and high-temperature air piping are enclosed inside the package. This leads to safe working environment and noise reduction.
System diagram

Recovered heat energy can be utilized for various purposes

The environment and business both gain significant benefits
Benefits of hot water recovery (Preheating of boiler, Hot water temp:40°C→75°C)

(Conditions) Suction conditions: 30°C 75%RH, Discharge pressure: 0.7MPa, Compressor: Continuous LD operation (load factor: 100%)
Annual operating hours: 8,000hr, Electricity unit cost: 0.17USD/kWh, Gas unit cost: 0.83USD/m3
Heating value of city gas (LHV): 9,700kcal/m3, Boiler efficiency: 96%, CO2 emission factor: (electricity) 0.55kg-CO2/kWh, (gas) 2,29kg-CDz/m3
*Depends on temperature of hot water recovery and system.